Fiscal Year
The WashU fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Due to year-end closing deadlines, we typically request all financial transactions be entered into Workday by faculty and staff one week after commencement, approximately May 17th. Reminder emails will be sent to all faculty and staff.
Finance and HR System
WashU and Sam Fox utilize the financial and HR system called Workday. All payroll, benefits, faculty account balances, reimbursement requests, etc. use Workday. Login to Workday to find additional resources.
Reimbursements and Paying Expenses
Reimbursement Requests
At Sam Fox, individual faculty and staff are responsible for entering their own financial reimbursements into Workday, using the desktop or mobile app within 14 days of the expense. This requires obtaining and submitting proper receipt documentation for expense reimbursements. Limited faculty (directors and chairs) and staff at Sam Fox are allowed procurement cards (Procards) instead of using personal cards and requesting reimbursement. Procards have separate and strict use policies and you are still required to submit expense reports within 14 days for all expenses. See Workday tutorial videos below for short guides on how to process documents. See Workday Expense Item Summary for a list of the most commonly used expense items in Sam Fox along with instructions on how to use.
All reimbursements must have a valid receipt with these items:
- Name of merchant
- Date of Transaction
- Transaction details (what was purchased)
- Total amount paid
- Proof of payment (“paid via credit card”, etc.)
*note: lodging and airfare need additional documentation*
Paying Others on Your Behalf
Sam Fox Business Office provides assistance in paying supplier invoices, purchase orders, and miscellaneous payee expenses on your behalf. This process excludes payroll, as all faculty, staff and student payroll must be paid through HR. Sam Fox has created a Box upload system to assist faculty and staff pay expenses directly. Please note, this process requires faculty and staff to work directly with payees to obtain proper documentation, such as W9 and EFT forms. For honorariums paid to academic visitors, faculty should work directly with College of Art or Architecture staff to obtain proper letters and forms.
Please note that Services, such as contractors, framing and photography must be paid via direct invoice and not as reimbursements or Procards.
For new faculty and staff, please contact Kim Anderson to setup your Box Accounting Upload folder and get the process started.
How to Pay Individuals for Services
For a guide on how to pay individuals, click the button below.
Resources, Policies, and Forms
Faculty Financial Reporting Dashboard Instructions
Instructions to view faculty specific accounts in Workday.
FAQs on Student Workers
Steps to follow once you have decided to hire a new student worker.
WashU Finance Policies and Procedures
Sam Fox faculty and staff should be familiar with WashU travel and non-business travel policies, which can be explored by topic (i.e. travel, mileage, gift cards, etc.).
Workday is WashU’s system for human resources, finance, and student administration.
Workday Expense Item Summary
Descriptions of most common expenses items used by Sam Fox on Workday Expense reports.