Canvas Faculty Support
Faculty have various option for Canvas questions and support.
Instructional Design Support
The Center for Teaching and Learning at Washington University has terrific Canvas resources, including tutorials and tips.
Administrative Support
This include question related to the course setup in Canvas such as merging of course sections, problems with connectivity, setting up new course structures or finding resources.
Contact Richard Viehmann at
Registrar Support
This includes adding TA’s to a course or other individuals that are set within the main academic course system, staff or other faculty. NOTE: All TA’s are added with no grade access. If you want your TA to have grade access you must let the registrars office know. To see a list of things TA’s can do in Canvas based on NO-GRADE or GRADE access please see the list at this link.
Contact Cris Baldwin at or Aaron Akins at
24/7 Canvas Support
Canvas offers technical support 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to all faculty, staff, and students. Click the Help button from the Global Navigation Menu to access 24/7 Canvas Support via chat or phone. Help is customized for faculty, staff, and students. You can also review Canvas Guides or report a problem.
For additional resources and support go to