Travel Abroad for Faculty/Staff

Any person traveling abroad on university business must be prepared. Please review the important information provided through each of the links at least two weeks in advance of your travel.

  • Group Travel Safety Plan Any faculty leading a group trip abroad must submit a Group Travel Safety Plan at least a month in advance of departure and receive approval from ITOC. Please coordinate with Courtney Cushard to submit the required forms.
  • MyTrips Required for all faculty, staff and students traveling internationally. Reimbursement delayed if not completed before traveling.
  • Health Insurance All Graduate and Undergraduate students are required to have health insurance when traveling abroad. Graduate students can enroll on their own through the link. Undergraduate students will be enrolled b the Special Programs Manager.
  • Emergency Assistance
  • WU travel policies
  • Sam Fox travel policies & responsibilities as a trip leader

Please contact Courtney Cushard if you have questions or needs regarding your international trips.