
There are three types of scanning available in the Whitaker Learning Lab:

Large-format scanning is available in the when the lab monitor is an duty. The large-format scanner must be prepaid via PaperCut. The cost is $2 per scan. A lab monitor must facilitate the payment process. Present your material to be scanned to staff prior to scanning. Users who are scanning anything must provide their own acetate to cover the scan surface. You will not be allowed to scan without it.

Large-format flatbed scanning is available in the lab when a monitor is on duty. The large-format flatbed scanner is 18″x 24″. The cost is $2 per scan.

Standard 11 x 17 inch scanning is available in the lab walk in computer area. The scanner is free to use any time the lab is open. It is connected to lab computers or you can connect to your own computer.