WiFi & Network Connection

All interior space are covered with WiFi connectivity. To access Sam Fox School network resources (such as printing), you must use the “wustl-encrypted-2.0” WiFi network.

This provides a secure encrypted connection to Sam Fox School network resources. If you haven’t already connected to the wustl-encrypted-2.0 Wifi network, please follow the instructions below on connecting your computer to wustl-encrypted-2.0.

Connecting to wustl-encrypted-2.0

  1. Navigate to your Wireless settings.
  2. Select wustl-encrypted-2.0 from list of networks.
  3. Select Connect (check Connect automatically if you’d like).
  4. A security box may appear. If so, select Connect.
  5. Enter user information as follows:
    User Name: Your WUSTL key Username
    Password: Your usual WUSTL key password
  6. If asked for a domain, type Accounts.
  7. Select OK or Connect.
  8. You may have to enter your WUSTL key password another time, and select Connect.
  9. Your wireless connection should now be associated with wustl-encrypted-2.0.

If you encounter any issues with this process, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sam Fox School IT. They will be happy to assist you.