F20 ART 309B Eco Art
Eco Art explores the intersection of art, ecology and ethics. Though the movement is broad and growing, Eco-art re-envisions our relationship with the natural world by informing, challenging, inventing, and reclaiming. This studio based course introduces various artistic practices and working methodologies related to environmental art, exploring “green” methodologies, repurposed objects, land art, ecoventions, social sculpture, and community activism.
The course is organized around art historical precedents, and is supported by critical essays and examples of contemporary practice including discussion of eco-design and sustainable architecture. projects are open to multidimensional solutions in a wide variety of media. Sam Fox elective
Taught by Cheryl Wassenaar T/TH 1:00pm-3:50pm
F10 ART 323K Knitwear Design and Productions
This course will address the topic of knitwear design and production. Students will learn knitting fundamentals by hand, manual machine and computer-driven machine. Building on technical and design knowledge gained throughout the course, students will design and realize three-dimensional objects. These objects could be fashion apparel or art. Some production will be done by the student and some will be done in collaboration with a local knitwear company. Major elective
Taught by Mary Ruppert-Stroescu M/W 1:00pm-3:50pm
F10 ART 297A Image and Meaning

The Bugsy Case Lacie Lehman
This course explores the use of digital imagery in contemporary design practice through a range of analog and digital experimentation. Using a variety of methods from basic printmaking to emerging technologies, students will complete a series of image making investigations. The study of both hand and computer based approaches provides an opportunity to work beyond the constraints of and build an understanding o how imagery can be used to enhance visuals, communicate ideas and convey meaning. Major elective
Taught by Audra Hubbell M/W 8:30-11:20
F10 ART 437N Type as Image: Experiments on Press
Working in the Kranzberg Studio for the Illustrated Book, students will use printing to explore the expressive possibilities of typography both as language, and as image/illustration. Graphic shape, line, tone, color and type can all be used as raw materials in the construction of messages, stories and ideas. In this course, students will respond to prompts and create self-generated expressive and experimental projects that explore the language of design in a tactile form. Students will be introduced to both basic and advanced typographic knowledge as they ground their work in the visual expression of language. Major elective
Taught by Ben Kiel T/TH 8:30am-11:20am
F10 ART 433L Applied Illustration
This course will explore drawing and conceptual development in the landscape of professional picture-making and illustration. Using the lens of an applied professional process, students will make work that explores and establishes an artistic viewpoint. Focused research, idea development, formal experimentation, and class critique are vital to these goals. Using this contextual practice, students will advance toward the development of an individual voice. This course is applicable to anticipated career directions in mage making, illustration, comics, picture books and visual storytelling. Major elective
Taught by Ed Kinsella T/TH 8:30-11:20
F10 ART 313P Art Practice: Sculpture Iterative Systems
This course investigate iterative approaches to making as a means to generate multiple works and ideas simultaneously. Activities such as mold-making and non-traditional drawing will be explored along with other process based methods of capturing throughtful gestures. Through readings and discussions, students will engage with historical precedents and contemporary principles that support the creation of self-directed work informed by the iterative mindset. Major elective
Taught by Arny Nadler M/W 1:00-3:50
F10 ART 311J Art Practice: Painting Figure Structure
This rigorous painting/drawing course explores new representations of the figure through its structure and contemporary contexts. Initial research involves anatomy lectures and extensive sketchbook activities which provides a vehicle for discovering the figure’s architecture, mechanics and proportions. Students develop an independent body of works accessing visual data from a variety of sources (paintings, photography, sculpture, memory, model sessions) with the goal of developing expressive qualities with image-making. Lectures, presentations, critical readings and the analysis of historical and contemporary figurative works support students in their investigations. Major elective
Taught by Jamie Adams M/W 4:30pm- 7:20pm
F20 ART 337A Illustration Entrepreneur
In this course, students will create images appropriate for surface design application to products. Students will work towards developing icons and motifs using shape based illustration, design, composition, hierarchy and thoughtfully considered color. Exploration will include visual content, artists, audiences, and trends in a fluid marketplace. Projects for this course will be in the applied context of gift and home décor markets, fabric design, stationary projects, and toys. All skill levels of drawing and digital proficiency are welcome. Sam Fox elective
Taught by Linda Solovic T/TH 1:00- 3:50
F20 ART 241E Digital Game Design
Designing a digital game for the screen that is both entertaining and usable requires
understanding principles of user interface, game theory, and visual design. In this course,
students will be introduced to basic game design strategy and practice, in the
development of their own game projects. Using both paper and the digital screen as a canvas
for design, students will explore game play iterations, as well as create visual components.
No prior experience in visual design, coding or digital games is necessary. Sam Fox elective
Taught by Eric Nunez M/W 1:00pm- 3:50pm
F20 ART 303B Collage: History & Practice in Contemporary Art
This course examines the role of collage in contemporary studio practice. Students are required to assemble an archive of images from various sources, found and self-generated, to produce work based on specific themes. This course integrates collage practice with other visual disciplines. Readings and discussion related to the course examine the evolution of collage and its present status and application within contemporary art production. Sam Fox elective
Taught by Michael Byron M/W 8:30-11:20
F20 ART 235K Animated Worlds
This course explores traditional and experimental 3D animation in a short film format. Beginning students will learn polygon and NURBS modeling, texturing, lighting and rigging props and characters in Maya. A storyboard, animatic and final rendered short will be developed for two major projects. Advanced skillsets include development, character design, 3D modeling, rigging, visual effects, sound, and rendering. Sam Fox elective
Taught by Jon Navy T/TH 8:30-11:20
F20 ART 113Q Compositions in Clay
In this course students will broaden their understanding of clay as a viable medium of visual expression and three-dimensional exploration. Students will learn basic hand-building techniques to create sculptural constructions, the practical applications of wheel throwing through form & function, and explore ceramic tools and equipment to create installation projects. Each student’s skill level will be considered and projects will be adjusted accordingly. Emphasis will be placed on critical assessment and articulation of material. Sam Fox elective
Taught by Andrea Moon T/TH 1:00pm-3:50pm
F20 ART 385B Beyond Words, Beyond Images: Representation After History
This seminar focuses on art in the public domain and examines contemporary practices that engage public memory and meta-city. prompting students to consider their own practice in the context of public space, the seminar offers examples of projects contributing to global cultural and political discourse. Weekly illustrated lectures, readings, writing assignments, screenings, discussions, and individual research lead towards the final term paper. Individual studio consultations serve as a platform for the discussion of student’s evolving practice, leading towards the final project in a medium of choice. Sam Fox elective
Taught by Monika Weiss W 4:00- 6:50
Additional course descriptions can be found online at WU Course Listings.