The charts below represent four-year course sequences for the undergraduate degrees offered in the Sam Fox School. Each chart outlines a typical course progression within a major and can be used for general planning purposes. It is important to note that many Sam Fox courses are offered only once each year, and often in sequence. It is imperative that students consult with their academic advisor prior to making any significant deviations from the curricular paths outlined below.

College of Architecture

BS and BA in Architecture, Class of 2027 and 2028
BS and BA in Architecture, Class of 2027 and 2028, including Semester Study Abroad

BS and BA in Architecture, Classes of 2025 and 2026
BS and BA in Architecture, Classes of 2025 and 2026, including Semester Study Abroad

College of Art

BFA in Art, Communication Design, or Fashion Design, Classes of 2025-2028
BA in Art or Design, Classes of 2025-2028