- Sam Fox School shops and facilities are for students enrolled in SFS courses, trained SFS students, SFS facilities staff, and SFS faculty engaged in coursework.
- Prior approval from the directors and the Office of the Dean must be obtained for the following:
- Sam Fox faculty, including visiting faculty, engaged in research or creative practice (outside of coursework).
- Faculty from other WashU schools working on a collaborative project with a member of Sam Fox faculty.
- Sam Fox School students have 24/7 access to individual assigned studio space; however, specific shops, labs and studios close each evening. Students should plan a work schedule accordingly and follow standard building policies.
- Be mindful of security—students should never prop locked doors or let people in secured spaces that are not guests of the Sam Fox School or the student.
Students and faculty in the Sam Fox School have access to many types of complex and potentially hazardous equipment and technology across the facilities of Sam Fox School. It is required that all members of the Sam Fox School community proactively seek training and guidance from faculty and staff on how best to protect themselves and others in using these resources.
- Training must be completed by all students using lab or shop spaces regardless of specific equipment or perceived familiarity with similar equipment or spaces. SFS shop and lab training conforms to university, as well as area specific standards and practices. Training is valid when done by a faculty or staff member assigned to that area and appropriately charged with the training responsibility. Students do not train unless supervised and verified by staff or faculty for each instance. All Sam Fox School shop orientations require the signing of a waiver of liability. Signed waivers will be retained by the Sam Fox School shops.
- Equipment and shop orientations are offered at the beginning of each semester. Please do not expect a personal orientation shortly before a project is due. Individual and specific orientations are by special request and require advanced planning.
- If a student wishes to use equipment that is not associated with a course they are currently enrolled in, the student must first contact the appropriate faculty member or technician that is responsible for the equipment. To ensure student safety, and for the safety of school equipment, it is mandatory that students receive proper training before using shop resources.
General Sam Fox School Building Policies
- Scheduling of installation and community spaces is required. Area spaces are coordinated through area coordinators. Sam Fox School common spaces, galleries, and installation spaces are scheduled through the Office of the Dean in Weil 105. Non-traditional spaces, exterior and university-wide spaces are coordinated and approved through the facilities manager. All installations outside of gallery or installation spaces need approval. Contact Leland Orvis.
- Shop storage space is limited, and priority is designated by the coordinators and/or shop technician. If you have a designated studio, please house projects within your assigned space, in the appropriate shop/technical spaces.
- At the end of the academic year, studios must be returned to the same condition as the student found upon arrival. Any materials left behind after move-out, will be thrown away.
Environmental Health and Safety
- Campus emergency preparedness and information link:
- Always carry your WUSTL ID with you.
- Check email regularly for facility updates.
- Do not work in SFS shops or facilities when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This includes prescription medication that prohibits the operation of vehicles/machinery.
- Students should follow the guidelines set forth by the area coordinators. Coordinators will relay studio policy. Students will receive email updates related to studio and shop availability.
Environmental Hazards, Spray Booths, and Dust Collection
All materials and Chemicals brought into Sam Fox School spaces must have a valid SDS (Safety data Sheet) available at the point of use or storage. Please use the QR codes to enter and find your materials safety and handling properties before you use them. QR codes are on flammable storage locations.
- Dust from processing materials can be an irritant or more hazardous depending on the nature of the material. Students should consult SDS and contact faculty or technical staff for safest working practices for material hazards.
- Students should practice environmental controls and spray only in designated spaces/spray booths.
- Use of Low VOC paints and solvents is expected in all Sam Fox School spaces unless specifically approved by program and staff personnel.
- If conditions require a respirator or protective mask, the mask must comply with university policy on respiratory protection. If, according to policy, a respirator is not required, voluntary use must meet minimum use guidelines but does not require a fit test and/or health screening.
- All flammable paints and adhesives, when not in use should be stored in the nearest flammable cabinet with your name and date on the container.
- Students should never leave projects or debris/masking/paint cans in the spray booths.
- Never allow flames or sparks in spray booths. Spray booth filters are extremely flammable.
- Follow the USED MATERIAL DISPOSAL POLICY. Place used aerosol containers in identified collection bins. Make sure container lids are closed tightly and nothing leaks into the bin. If bin is full, contact faculty member, area coordinator, Sam Fox School facilities, or the nearest technical staff.
- All materials removed from original containers must be in an approved secondary use container and have an appropriate safety label with information from the original on that label.
Sam Fox Shops

Bixby 3D Design Shop
- Wood
- Bixby 200

Caleres Fabrication Studio
- Laser Cutting, 3D Printing, CNC Milling, Electronics
- Weil Hall, First Floor

- Steinberg 012 & 017

Dubinsky Printmaking Studio
- Intaglio, Silk Screen, Collagraph, letterpress, Lithography
- Bixby 110

Fashion Design Shop
- Bixby 011, Bixby 015, and Textile Studio, Lower Level, Givens Hall

Givens Wood and Metal Shop
- Wood, metal, plastics
- Givens 003

Nancy Spirtas Kranzberg Studio for the Illustrated Book
- Intaglio, Silk Screen, Collagraph, letterpress, Lithography
- Bixby 124

Textile Studio
- Lower Level, Givens Hall

Walker Ceramics Shop
- Plaster and mold-making, foundry, ceramics
- Main Floor, Walker Hall
Area Coordinators
Jamie Adams
Associate Professor; Painting Area Coordinator
- Email:
Office: Walker 203
Jennifer Colten
Senior Lecturer; Photography Area Coordinator
- Email:
Office: Steinberg 08
Sage Dawson
Senior Lecturer; Foundations Area Coordinator
- Email:
Office: Bixby 104B
Aki Ishida
Director, College of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design; Sam and Marilyn Fox Professor
- Email:
Office: Givens 105
Arny Nadler
Associate Professor; Sculpture Area Coordinator
- Email:
Office: Steinberg 09
Tom Reed
Senior Lecturer and Master Printer of Island Press; Printmaking Area Coordinator
- Email:
Mónica Rivera
Chair, Graduate Architecture; JoAnne Stolaroff Cotsen Professor of Architecture
- Email:
Mary Ruppert-Stroescu
Associate Professor; Fashion Design Area Coordinator
- Email:
Office: Bixby 014