“Let’s Talk”
Available Monday through Friday, “Let’s Talk” provides students with easy access to free, brief confidential consultations with counselors from Mental Health Services.
Audio Visual (AV) Models & Instructions
The Sam Fox School has many space types that require us to have multiple Audio Visual (AV) models. Spaces will be configured with the following models and instructions on the following page.
AV Help
Sam Fox School IT only supports AV and Printing. However, we work with WashU IT and Student Technology Services to help in all situations.
BOX File Storage
Students, faculty, and staff are provided with a Box storage account for saving and backing up files.
Buying Computers
The WashU Campus store carries all recommended Mac and PC computers for art and architecture students.
Campus Card Services
The WashU ID card provides access to buildings, Sumers Recreation Center, residence halls, libraries, etc. Email Charis Norell with card access issues or requests.