Danforth Faculty Vacation Policy
Full-time faculty members are granted vacation time to use during the fiscal year. If you have questions, please contact your Director and/or Karen Swiney.
Common Questions
Full-time paid faculty including tenured, tenure-track, and full time lecturers.
To comply with federal government grant requirements and align with the existing School of Medicine policy.
Uninterrupted time away from the normal workday. Sick days and university holidays are not included in vacation days. Vacation time is not required if performing activities related to faculty appointment (instruction, research, service) during a normal workday. Sam Fox School’s expectation is that vacation time will not be taken during normally scheduled class times or during required service. Example: requesting a non-university recognized religious holiday in which no University work is performed.
Sam Fox faculty will enter vacation requests in Workday, which will route to your Director for approval. Course coverage must be included in request. Vacation time is tracked using a 7.5 hour workday. Vacation time should not be tracked for any time less than a full 7.5 hour workday.

Karen Swiney
Manager of Financial Operations
- Phone: 314-935-6563
- Email: karen.swiney@nospam.wustl.edu

Amy Hauft
Director, College and Graduate School of Art
- Phone: 314-935-6525
- Email: ahauft@nospam.wustl.edu

Aki Ishida
Director, College of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design; Sam and Marilyn Fox Professor
- Email: a.ishida@nospam.wustl.edu
Office: Givens 105