Nancy Spirtas Kranzberg Studio for the Illustrated Book
- Intaglio, Silk Screen, Collagraph, letterpress, Lithography
- Bixby 124
A collaboration with WashU Libraries, the Nancy Spirtas Kranzberg Studio for the Illustrated Book is a working book and print production facility that includes equipment for letterpress and intaglio printing, photopolymer plate, and silkscreen printing.
Hours and Location
- Bixby 124
- Hours
- Monday – Wednesday: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., except when classes are scheduled in spaces.
- Thursday – Sunday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. during monitor hours
- 4 Motorized Letterpresses
- 1 Proofing Press
- 4 Table top Book Presses
- 1 standing Book Press
- Guillotine paper cutter
- 3 Board shears
- Polymer Plate Maker
- Collection of Metal & Wood Type
Training is required before the use of this space. Classes scheduled in this space are automatically enrolled in training. For information about individualized training, contact Pete Holohan.

Tom Reed
Senior Lecturer and Master Printer of Island Press; Printmaking Area Coordinator
- Email: treed@nospam.wustl.edu